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KAPOS brands

National competence marks for basic skills, or KAPOS marks

KAPOS marks are used to identify, recognize and make visible wide-ranging expertise. The marks focus on basic skills that are needed both in everyday life and in study and working life. The Board of Education has defined the national Competence objectives and evaluation criteria for the marks, which can be found here Competence marks – ePerustet . Marks can be completed as free educational work at educational institutions. The approved performance is recorded in the Koski database with the customer's consent, and the customer can see their mark in the Oma Opintopolku service, where it can be attached, e.g. to the CV.

Themes of competence marks

  • Learning skills
  • Texting skills
  • Numerical and financial skills
  • Interaction and work well-being skills
  • Digital skills
  • Sustainability competence

This is how you can take KAPOS marks at Aurala's civic college:

  1. Register for a course whose course description tells you about the possibility of completing the KAPOS mark/marks.
  2. At the beginning of the course, the teacher tells about the competence goals and evaluation criteria of the mark/marks related to the course.
  3. Decide whether you want to complete the mark/marks, and please let the teacher know about it at the latest on the second course.
  4. You will receive an invitation to sign the consent form in your e-mail, with which you authorize Aurala civic college to store your performance in the Koski database.
  5. The teacher evaluates your performance according to the national criteria, and the approved performance is recorded in Koske within two weeks of the completion of the performance.
  6. Go and check the Oma Opintopolku service that the sign is visible there. You can copy the character e.g. to your CV.

The KAPOS courses currently offered by Aurala:

Reading as part of everyday life reading circle
Data security basics: Everyday tips and tools
Telling stories in the digital world 
Somemaailman's ABC: Communication on digital channels

The student can cancel his evaluation request during the course performance to the evaluating teacher. In this case, the consent to export the performance record to the national Koski register (Oma Opintopolku) is also revoked.

The student can ask the principal to renew the evaluation within two months of receiving the information. The student may request a correction to the new assessment made at the request or to the decision by which the request has been rejected, still from the regional administrative office within 14 days of being notified of the decision.

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