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Credit courses

What does a credit course mean?

A credit course means that it is possible to get credit for completing the course and record the performance in the register maintained by the Board of Education. You can also participate in the course as a hobby, as before. For a successfully completed course, you will receive credits for My Study Path , from which you can share performance notes as a link to, for example, an employer.

  • The competence objectives of the courses describe what you will learn in the course and what you will know after attending the course.
  • The evaluation criteria for credit courses describe in more detail what skills are required for the approved completion of the course.
  • One credit corresponds to 27 hours of study, including teaching and, for example, independent work.

This is how you get the credits

  1. Register for a credit course.
  2. Tell the course teacher right at the beginning that you want the credits. The teacher explains the evaluation criteria and evaluation in more detail.
  3. You will receive a signature invitation in your e-mail.
  4. Sign the consent form electronically so that we can transfer the performance mark and the credits to Oma Opintopolku. If necessary, contact the Aurala office: or 050 316 7702
  5. Actively participate in the course, study and develop your skills. Approved course completion requires the fulfillment of the set evaluation criteria. Attendance for at least ¾ of the course would be desirable.
  6. The teacher evaluates your course performance on the scale Passed/Failed in the schedule he announced, and you will receive information about the evaluation.
  7. See your performance record the Oma Opintopolku system.

You can find the credit courses of Aurala's civic college here !

The student can cancel his evaluation request during the course performance to the evaluating teacher. In this case, the consent to export the performance record to the national Koski register (OmaOpintopolku) is also revoked.

The student can ask the principal to renew the evaluation within two months of receiving the information. The student may request a correction to the new assessment made at the request or to the decision by which the request has been rejected, still from the regional administrative office within 14 days of being notified of the decision.

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