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Support our activities

Auralan Setlementti ry collects donations for the following purposes

  • Recreation and camp activities for families and children with immigrant backgrounds
  • Recreation and club activities for seniors
  • Friendship activities for people with immigrant backgrounds and seniors
  • Reducing the course fees of civic colleges for the needy
  • Guiding and coordinating volunteers working with immigrants, seniors and families with children
  • For organizing events that promote community activities in the neighborhood
  • To organize digital support for those with weak digital skills

You can donate the desired amount to the association's collection account:
FI28 4309 0010 4548 74 (ITELFIHH) .
If you want to donate to a certain purpose mentioned above, write your wish in the message field.

You can also make a testamentary donation to our association. A testamentary donation to a non-profit organization is tax-free. If you decide to make a testamentary donation, we recommend drawing up a testament together with an expert.

Fundraising permit RA/2021/1218 and the permit is valid from September 29, 2021 until further notice.

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