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Evening shoulder for single people

The goal of the Iltaolkkari for single people project is to strengthen the participation, relevance and well-being of single, working-age people who live alone. The project organizes both individual and small group activities and activities according to the ideas arising from the needs of the participants. The activities are also conceptualized and planned together, and the visitors themselves can be the implementers of the activities. 

The meeting and action points of the project are Turku's regional living rooms. 

The project is financed by the Assistance Center for Social and Health Organizations STEA 2024-2026. It is part of the Invisibles aid program. 

Ask more:

Essi Leikas,
Päivi Suominen,
Jaana Peippo,

Ooo! I learn, I know and I succeed

Ooo! The I learn, I can and I succeed project is intended for adults who want to develop their own basic skills. The project offers coaching, where you can get help with e.g. in basic mathematical, digital and communication skills as well as study skills. Skills are strengthened in the training, which improves the possibility of getting a job or study place.

Read more about training from the civic college's course tray:

Stronger path to working life coaching
Stronger path to studies coaching

The project is financed by the Ministry of Education and Culture 2023-2025.

For more information, please contact:

Project coordinator, teacher
Hanne Mäkinen
050 316 7784

Kappas from Kapo

In the Kappas Kaposta project, the goal is to strengthen the basic skills needed in everyday life, studies and working life of young adults. In the project, the National Competence Marks for Basic Skills (KAPOS Marks) will be introduced both in the civic college courses and in the basic skills groups aimed at young adults. The project also creates customer guidance modeling for guiding young adults to basic skills groups/courses. 

The project is financed by OPH (2024–2026), and it is a collaborative project with Kuopio and Seinäjoki civic colleges.  

More information about the project: 

Project coordinator, teacher Hanne Mäkinen 

tel. 050 316 7784 

Better at work

Work Better is a project financed by the European Union, the aim of which is to help people with immigrant backgrounds in challenging employment situations to find employment faster, to remove barriers to employment and to prevent termination of employment relationships.

Read more about the project:

Contact us:

Project manager Outi Tikkanen 050 316 7715, (Finnish, English)

Project worker Shaima Palani 050 300 8945, (Arabic, Kurdish, Persian, Dari)

Project worker, Finnish language teacher Laura Siniranta
050 327 0805, (Finnish, English)

Completed projects

JOK Start-up competence development clinic (ESR 2018-2021)

ESR 2018-2021
Development project related to the promotion of employment and skills and social inclusion
Line of action: 4. Education, skills and lifelong learning
Specific objective: 9.1. Improving services that support transitions and educational equality

JOK - Jalkautuva saamiens keimainningsklinikka is a project implemented by Auralan Setlementti ry between 2018 and 2021, funded by the European Social Fund, where the target group was working adult immigrants. The goal of the project was to develop the skills of those in working life to make it possible to stay and progress in working life. In the project, the participants were offered teaching and guidance in basic skills, such as the Finnish language, mathematics and working life skills. Teaching and guidance was carried out both for individuals and small groups as a clinic-like activity and as an activity that goes to workplaces.

JOK final report

Competence criteria for course descriptions in civic and labor universities OSKU

The importance of continuous learning in the competence system is emphasized. The purpose of this project is to expand the knowledge of the staff of the college network about the importance of lifelong learning, competence-basedness and the recognition of competence. With the capabilities provided by the project, the competence-based course offerings of civic and labor colleges will be increased. Competence-based and documentation in the teaching of civic and labor colleges improves recognition and recognition of competence. The implementation of the project online strengthens the online working routines of the personnel. The joint development of competence-based systems increases transparency and the importance of colleges as part of the regional competence system.

The project is a joint project of the region's Ilo oppia network and is coordinated by Aurala's civic college. The project is financed by the Board of Education and will continue until September 30, 2023.

Contact person
Jenni Hanhilampi
050 316 7784

Basic competence training - Effective support for employment OSAPE

The project is intended for immigrants. In the project, personal teaching and counseling is given in applying for a job and basic working life skills. We also organize intensive Finnish language courses for those who have crossed the time from home. The project is financed by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the project lasts until July 31, 2022.

Modeling of basic skills teaching and guidance in Aurala Settlement

Family work and support for immigrants PETU

The project helps people and families with an immigrant background in challenging everyday situations, such as in matters related to child rearing, relationships or culture. The project is limited by the Assistance Center for Social and Health Organizations STEA.

Project manager Outi Tikkanen:
050 316 7715

Basic skills as an asset - a stronger path to working life PEVO

The project is intended for adults who need support in developing basic skills, such as mathematical skills, language and communication studies, digital skills and social skills. In this way, the participant is supported to recognize his own strengths and his chances of employment are increased. The project is financed by the Board of Education and will last until May 31, 2022.

Summary of the project implementation

A stronger path to studies VAPO

The project supports young immigrants in developing study skills and Finnish language skills. The study is carried out as group teaching in four different modules. The modules focus on joint application from the beginning of the year, text skills in the spring, preparation for fall studies in the summer, and study skills in the fall. Teaching can be organized in a local or remote format. The project is financed by the Board of Education and will last until the end of 2022.
Brochure: link to the brochure

Project manager Laura Siniranta:
050 322 3837

Safe work

Sopu work offers support for the resolution and prevention of honor-related conflicts for all parties. We work with those who have experienced violence and, if the situation allows it, also with the perpetrators of violence and other close circles. In the agreement, we also guide groups.

Conflicts and violence related to honor often appear as restrictions on the movement and social freedom of family members, control and coercion, as well as domestic violence involving pressure from relatives or the community. Forms of honor-related violence also include forced marriage, genital mutilation and honor killing.

Honor-related violence is experienced by both women and men, and members of sexual and gender minorities are in a particularly vulnerable position. The perpetrators of violence are also men, women and people of the opposite sex.

In Sopu work, we also offer consulting and training on the subject to other social, health and education professionals.

The project is limited by the Social and Health Organizations Assistance Center STEA.
Read more on the project's website:

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