Aurala daycare center is located right near the center of Turku. We have small groups and a warm atmosphere. Thanks to its small size, educators have time to focus on children more individually and implement versatile early childhood education. The interaction between the homes and the kindergarten is uncomplicated, when all the adults in the kindergarten are familiar to the parents and guardians.
The framework of Aurala daycare center for playing and moving around is good, because the daycare center has two of its own yards, as well as the classes and gymnasium of Aurala civic college. Music education is emphasized in our kindergarten and preschool. Citizens' college has participants from babies to adults, so in Aurala generations meet naturally at various parties and events, for example.
Aurala's daycare center is a contracted daycare center of the city of Turku, and a daycare place is applied for through the city's system: