At Aurala's civic college, we want to offer everyone the opportunity to learn and find new things to do. We are involved in the Settlement Association's Estivä opistotyo project, where we are looking for people who, for one reason or another, have not yet found their way to our college's courses or our other activities. Our goal is to lower the threshold and make learning and hobbies more approachable.
For us, investigative college work means that we go where people already are. We especially focus on Turku's suburbs and regional living rooms - familiar places where it's easy to sit down and chat over a cup of coffee. In these meetings, we discuss hobbies and learning new things, as well as how to practically get involved in the activities of Aurala's civic college.
With the help of more individual guidance, we have accompanied a few customers to our courses. Our activity experiment also includes group activities. We organize mini-courses according to the wishes and needs of the residents of the suburbs in a few regional living rooms. So far, the mini-courses have started in Halis in Huudi's regional living room and in Pääskyvuori in the Pääsky Activity Center's regional living room. In Halis, the mini-course focuses on the Finnish language and culture, and in Pääskyvuori, hand skills and relaxation are practiced. Operational trials will also continue from the beginning of 2025.
You can read more about investigative college work on the website of the Settlement Association What kind of investigative college work? – Finnish Settlement Association