Finnish folklore is full of sayings related to learning. Several sayings have the idea and roots of what we today call continuous learning. Continuous learning and lifelong learning emphasize self-realization, active citizenship, integrity in society and employability . Numerous new things come into our lives every year, sometimes even daily. Some new things require modifying old skills or learning new skills and knowledge. Some things burden and feel challenging. New challenges are an opportunity to open doors to things that help move forward and reward the learner. I have been eager to learn new things and skills. The thirst for knowledge and the joy of learning have gained a permanent foothold in my life. Over the years, I have taken up many new things and wanted to learn more about, for example, managing wetlands, boating in the archipelago, and making glass or clay works.
Times change and so do we.
Free educational work offers the opportunity for self-directed learning, community and participation . Every learner is welcome to the courses of the civic colleges in the common areas to enjoy and learn. The versatile program of civic colleges offers many new and curious courses. In these courses, you might find new content in your life or even a good friend. Finding your own things is important at all ages. Finding your own things is important in building self-esteem and maintaining it. I wanted to learn how to use looms and spent one winter building a poppanaloom and weaving various poppana products. That winter raised my appreciation for all weavings made on looms.
It is said that even an old dog is still learning .
Skills visible - the weeks celebrate the skills that each of us has already acquired. SITRA (Finnish Independence Anniversary Fund) wants to remind you of all the skills we already have. According to Sitra, a policy of lifelong learning is needed in Finland, where skill development is seen as a productive long-term investment and a source of well-being. We have acquired know-how in many different ways, over the years and in different situations. Making competence visible and the multifaceted meaning of competence are on display during the theme weeks (weeks 35–36) at the beginning of the autumn term.
You can come along to make the Know-how visible weeks! Aurala's civic college is involved with more than 200 other actors in expanding understanding to know-how and at the same time making your own know-how visible. Aurala organizes two events during these theme weeks. Online, it is possible to participate in or follow events that use an Erätauko-type structure as a dialogue starter. Here is a link to the pages of these events: . So it's time to think about your own expertise and its diversity. Competence has been born in many environments, but you don't always notice your own competence. What do you already know and how would your skills become visible?
Practice makes a champion.
Skills that we need in our daily lives as civic skills . Mastering civic skills is related to managing one's own affairs, functioning as a member of society and even surviving. There have been more civic skills. Digital skills and media skills are the latest civic skills. Digital skills are currently more often needed than swimming skills, of course both are needed. While writing this article, I thought about my own need for a blog writing course, when I don't know what and how to express things in these online texts. So here is a new skill I need to learn. I wanted to maintain certain skills that are not actively used in everyday life. I have taken or at least tried a large number of courses related to language and exercise. I repeat some things at regular intervals just to know that my German language skills, for example, are still usable.
Repetition is the mother of studies , they say.
Autumn brings to the surface the desire to start something new and jump into the group of eager learners to have fun and of course learn. You, me and thousands of other learners are walking forward along the paths of new skills, knowledge and competences. It's a pleasure to start acquiring new skills or to talk about things in good company. What is your thing this fall? What were you thinking of trying? There are numerous opportunities for you to brush up on your own skills together with others. So grab a new thing you want to know more about. Aurala's civic college's entire course offering for this fall can be found here . Now is the right time to sign up!
Happy autumn and joy of learning to you!
Tiina Seikkula
The author works at Aurala civic college as a designer and coordinator of the OSKU project. He is a happy and curious lifelong learner.