Everyone who wants to can study at Aurala's civic college, regardless of their place of residence, and membership of the Aurala Setlementti ry is not required to study.
Study materials:
Books, materials and accessories are not included in the course fees. After the end of the academic year, student work and hobby equipment left at Aurala civic college will not be kept. If you wish, you can bring your own gym mat to exercise classes. The purchase of a textbook for the first lesson is not necessary if the student is not sure of the course level, but wants to reserve the opportunity to change the level.
Language study:
With us you can study several different languages every year. You can maintain and develop your current language skills or start studying a completely new language. You can study languages in courses, short courses and online. You can also buy customized language lessons. You can also register for courses in the middle of the semester, if there is space in the course and if the current skill level of the course is suitable for you.
the skill level scale based on the European reference framework :
Basic level (basic language skills A1 and A2)
Intermediate level (language skills of independent language users B1 and B2)
Top level (language skills of proficient language users C1 and C2)
Students are responsible for personal injuries themselves. Students' property is not insured. Aurala's civic college is not responsible for students' unfinished or finished work or work tools stored in the college's premises.
Requested certificates (at least 2/3 of the course completed) are charged €10 including postage. You can find instructions related to credit courses here .
There is no teaching:
- On public holidays
- During the Christmas break
- In the spring season, week 8 (winter holiday week)
The right to program changes is reserved. Aurala's civic college is not responsible for possible printing errors in the brochure and on the internet.