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This is how, in September, Aurala declares its summer time over! The familiar schedule has returned and the doors open according to normal office hours. But it was a nice summer! Namely, Aurala's doors were open throughout the summer. Although the doors only opened on Tuesdays, when Aurala's living room brought coffee drinkers to the tables to chat and exchange summer snows, but it's a new and nice opportunity too! May the Aurala parliament continue its meetings throughout the summer after hearing about this possibility to meet in Aurala during the summer as well.

The staff, on the other hand, gathered for summer coffees before the holiday season. We went through last semester's feedback from both the civic college and the kindergarten. And how nice it is to say that our own assessment of a good atmosphere is also conveyed by customer feedback. We also enjoyed a dance performance and a performance by our own talented musicians. At the same time, we said a big thank you to Tuija, who moved from Aurala to other tasks, and of course to Raimo, who after the vacation is starting to get used to spending his well-earned retirement days. Wet corners of the eyes were noticeable in the hall.

Aurala attracted both new and old visitors

In August, we participated in the neighborhood's Pohjolan Pihat event and celebrated the official opening of Aurala's living room. As a sign of community, a group of origami birds were folded together with the visitors as Friends for the mascot of the civic college, Aura la Loki. There were a good number of visitors, and many first-timers to Aurala and, on the other hand, also those who knew Aurala from childhood came to get to know each other. Warm memories were shared both ways.

Another expected event in August was, of course, Senior Day. The 20th anniversary brought together seniors and the organizations that provide them with services. Important meetings and discussions took place in the yard as well as in the classes upstairs. The weather was nice, so we could enjoy the War Veterans' tasty pea soup in the yard. On the other hand, we spent the party following the history of Turku's shipyard industry with interesting lectures and music and dance performances. And of course we agreed that the tradition will be continued and next year we will gather again in August!

The plow as a farm also needs maintenance

And what else has happened to us during the summer. Small surface repair, larger cable renewal repair, furniture update and renovation. And the furniture has been carried back and forth a few times, because cleaning, waxing and woodworking are done when the premises of the civic college are empty. Now it's nice to start a new semester again, with a clean slate.

Our mascot Aura La Lokki has been adventuring around the college on social media this summer, waiting for the other coursemates to come. Now the wait is over and the courses and clubs have started again. If you still haven't found your hobby or a subject to study in the course selection, the 3 euro trial weeks continue on October 8. until! More information here . Kahvia ja naamiatis, which meets on Tuesdays in Aurala's living room from 10 to 12:30, is still suitable for exploring loneliness. A warm talk club and free coffee are available 🙂 You can find more information about the living room activities here .

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In the future, you can otherwise contact me in matters related to Aurala's living room operations. See you in Aurala! Let's learn new things, strengthen our own well-being and do all the good things together 🧡

Community instructor
Living room activities
050 511 5746