In the Aurora hall, you can see happy faces around the big table on Thursdays, when the Jättu-tupa people gather for the weekly meeting. We greet and greet others and ask after those who are absent. In the same way, jättu-tupa people get together every week in dozens of other colleges around Finland.
Visitors to the Juttu-tuva are united by aphasia, which is the result of a cerebral circulation disorder suffered in adulthood. Because of aphasia, speaking and understanding the speech of others becomes difficult to varying degrees. There are also often challenges in reading and writing. In such a changed life situation, peer support becomes an important value.

Juttu-tupa people in Turku Art Museum
The people of Juttu-Tupa have a huge thirst for information and they are especially interested in current affairs. One of the important things the participants point out is that they themselves get to influence the content and topics of the meetings. It motivates to participate. During the conversation, without noticing it, the interaction skills are strengthened and you find the courage to participate in the conversation and present your own opinions. Many say that social situations in everyday life are sometimes difficult; for example, in a larger group it is difficult to keep up with the conversation and they get tired easily. It's wonderful when you're not in a hurry to get anywhere in Juttu-tuva. The counselors of Juttu tupi are trained to use different means of communication support. When speaking does not go well, we use writing, drawing, pictures, a map or, for example, our own calendar, which can be used to give a variety of hints about what we would like to say. The instructor can also write options on paper and these help us move forward in the discussion. Juttu-tupa people say that it is safe when the instructor helps everyone to participate equally.
"It's important to talk about things other than getting sick," says one of the group members. Aurala and its surroundings offer an inspiring place to go and practice where everyone else goes. It is important to still be a part of society, even though life has changed. The people of Juttu Tupa agree that the mood improves when you laugh together and maintain a sense of humor. They also say that after the Juttu-tuva gatherings, it is easier to talk at home as well, when you have first been able to work out in the group by participating in a joint exchange of ideas or a pleasant activity. This same message is also shared by the relatives of the Tuttu-tupa residents.
The digital leap of the Corona era was also felt in Juttu-tuva. It was a nice experience when, exactly one year ago, Aurala's civic college's IT teacher Kai came to advise everyone who wanted to how to install teams on their own computer or phone. We learned and tested together how the remote connection works. In January 2021, it so happened that face-to-face teaching went on hiatus again and Aurala's eJuttu room started. Valtteri, the current director, bravely started with the group via remote connection and was only able to meet face-to-face with the group members in August. Everything went well, but Valtteri stated that close encounters are less stressful from the director's point of view. It had also been nice to meet relatives of the group members, who stopped by to say hello via the screen.
Some of the visitors have been involved since the activity in Aurala began. Along the way, the group has changed and new ones have been found in the group. As a nice byproduct of going to the Juttu-tuva, some have found new friends by their side, with whom it is nice to organize game nights or go for coffee. Juttu-tupa brings a regular rhythm to everyday life, and such routines activate you to participate and get moving in your everyday life.
During the fall, the group has discussed current issues. Most of the discussion has been sparked by funny or otherwise just local news; for example, the opening of the Turku Christmas season or the old school in Ristimäki, which won the competition for the most beautiful home in Finland, and its history. News about the development of the surrounding area is also of interest. For example, the news of the establishment of a new factory in Paimio that produces fabric from scrap textiles sparked a discussion. Small and humorous news are interesting and create a good feeling, the corona situation and politics have been in the background. The group also paid a visit to the art museum, and one Thursday a coffee moped wheeled by order in Aurala's yard, offering delicious buns and specialty coffees.
More information about aphasia in Mati's story, which was featured in the speech impaired week:
Pirjo Laine
The author works at Aivoliito and coordinates the nationwide Chattu-tupa activity, which is implemented in cooperation with civic and working-class colleges.